

Nerd Managers

You try to get a nerd to let you take a picture of them - Impossible!
We hope you like the caricatures

Project Manager

Robert S.

Project Manager

A self-proclaimed nerd and co-founder at NerdSnipe. He has been in the industry for over 25 years, starting before the Internet was even a thing! Robert has managed development teams across the entire business spectrum, and is known for being a stickler for timelines and communication. He loves nothing more than cracking a good joke (or three), and spending time with his wife and kids.

Project Manager

Karen R.

Design Manager

Karen is the head of the design team. When she's not glued to her whiteboard, she's usually got a coffee in her hand. She's been a street artist, a graphic designer and ad campaign manager before leading the design and corporate identity team. If we'd let her she would draw all over the walls of the office.

Project Manager

Rico I.

SCRUM Manager

Rico is our resident Scrum Master and problem-solving wizard at NerdSnipe. He has been an Android and iOS developer for over 6 years, but still won't buy anything but an iPhone. When he's not keeping us all goal-driven, Rico can be found enjoying a good laugh with friends or listening to Howard Stern on the radio.

Office Manager

Tiffani - with an I

Honorable Mention

Not a manager (yet), but Tiffani deserves a special shout-out. This lady makes sure everyone has everything they need. A flutter and web developer and overall computer guru. The office just wouldn't run smoothly without her. She looks like she's talking to herself, but it's usually a client, and she has in her Jabra earbuds. The queen of multitasking.


Office Manager A special mention and shout-out to our nomad CEO, Daniel S. who guides our organization and inspires the team to strive for our dreams and settle for nothing less than our very best life!

Office Manager To Robert G., our CTO with the electric personality - thanks for all you do! Remember, when the zombie apocalypse comes, we're all coming to your compound!

Join The Nerds

We're Hiring

We are on the look-out for talented remote and onsite developers.
If you have skills in all or any of the following technologies send us your CV and salary expectations.

Vue3, Flutter, Android and or iOS, Electron, JavaScript, PHP
